Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eating Healthy on A Budget

Dear Rodriguez Family,
Its a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to present and somewhat introduce you guys to various ways in which you can be more healthy and still not break your bank .My name is George Quinonez and im currently a student at Laguardia Community College and during an English class our professor showed us a film called "Food Inc" in which your family where featured.Just like you guys, i also was shocked to realize how unhealthy my eating habits were and since watching the film Ive been inspired to not only to eat healthy but also to help educate the people that surrounds me the most, which is my family.Families are united by a bond incomparable that cannot be put in words and im very well aware of what good health signifies in your family.In this letter i dispose a couple of great ideas that can help your family save lots of money and still be healthy.Shopping for healthy items while on a tight budget might seem like something difficult to accomplish but following the right steps could guide you in the path of a healthy lifestyle. Great alternatives to replace fast food are shopping at a local market, purchasing seasonal fruits and veggies and last but not least,preparing your own meals.
First,shopping at your local market has countless rewards that can be extremely beneficial to your family in the haul.Local markets normally have bargain prices for certain items like poultry and vegetables.In addition, buying items from a local market usually are tastier and of better quality due to the fact that there's less traffic at a market in comparison to a large supermarket chain. Also local markets tend to give away free items when buying bulk quantities.The more you buy the more you get, resulting in family getting more for your buck ,which is always great in today's economy.Currently, most supermarkets sell poultry and other sources of protein at double the price and less the quality.When buying at a large supermarkets the quality of the protein desiccates due to the fact that they make no waste of the product, which only means they'll sell you items that aren't really what you think there are.In comparison ,small local markets have no choice but to buy the best quality of food available in order to keep their steady clientele from finding different food options.Furthermore,traveling to a fast food restaurant or shopping at different locations only concludes in your family spending much needed cash on gas instead of fruits and vegetables.Also walking is a great exercise all of your family could easily execute in order to maintain that healthy state of mind.Staying within the area would save your family tons of cash.
Secondly,all fruits and vegetables are more abundant and flourish depending on what season your in. For example,some fruits like watermelon,pears and peaches are all much more attainable in the summer than in the winter and obviously the same applies for certain vegetables in the fall.Shopping for vegetables and fruits in season is very cheap and the quality of the items are second to none.In addition,when you buy fruits and vegetables that are in season,you have less of a risk of getting your family ill due to less product travel which not only benefits your household but also the environment.Once again , all these items can be purchased staying within your area and shopping at the local market place.
Lastly,the best way to save money and maintain your family's health is to preparing your own meals at home.By preparing your own meals at home,not only do you eat healthy but you save money also.Eating at home is extremely more hygienic than eating at a fast food restaurant.Its not the same to cook for thousands of people than to cook for your own family of five. The quality of the food is never lost and you can always use your own native spices and herbs.Preparing food at home is more natural than ordering four number three's and to large side order's of cheesy fries.More over, you can prepare food from scratch in order to reduce spending cost.More important ,due to Mr.Federico's condition,fast food is a minor sacrifice to eliminate than allowing his health to deteriorate.
In conclusion,eating healthy on a budget is easily achievable with just a little seriousness and determination. I am hopeful all this information given is extremely helpful to the whole Rodriguez family.Becoming healthy is a process that takes time,but in the future we all benefit from it.Once again , its pleasure to write letter and help improve your lifestyle.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Economy is more important than our health.

How much do we really know about what we consume ? To be honest ,who really knows the complete background and detail about every single item you purchase in a supermarket. All we really go by is what the labels and nutritional facts say, but more than half of the consumers have no clue about what their reading.I personally thought i was extremely knowledgeable about my health and the things i consume, but watching the movie "Food Inc" was a real eye opener. The movie really scared me and made question every single thing that's in my refrigerator. It also made me question the governments involvement in making sure all these products are healthy for consumers to purchase.Then it hit me,i am truly unaware about every item i consume.From the water i drink to the pharmaceuticals i take , i truly have no idea about whats going in my body ,all i know is that someone or some commercials says its healthy.And to be honest Ive gotten use to somebody telling me whats good and whats bad .So in the long haul , if my health desiccates,im the one to blame.Because i have to time for everything in the world.From going out clubbing, to working out or taking my girlfriend to romantic dinners , i find time for everything except for whats really important, which is my health.But in today's economy , where resources are scarce, isn't investing in cheap and fast meal the more logical and wise decision to follow? I like to believe that the existence of the dollar menu is like a gift and a curse.A gift because in today's economy most people cant really afford a well balanced meal and a curse because its highly unhealthy.So it ultimately comes down to the individuals who really care about their health because if people keep purchasing cheap meals and being nonchalant about their health , these fast food places will never going out of business. I take pride in what i consume and the way i take care of my body and soul.The movie "Food Inc" gave me more of a reason to watch what eat and i am so thankful for the opportunity to be able acquire very important knowledge from the film that could one day my save my life.